A downloadable game

Rogue Football Card Game - AmiGameJam

This game is inspired by Tim Blacklock Premier Picks freeware game from 1993 on Amiga.

This is very much in middle of development and while you can play this version a bit, it contains a lot of bugs, and for example the "Rogue" part of the name is not there yet.

There are no sounds currently, and all graphics are supposedly temporary, but temporary solutions tend to become permanent solutions.

Also, Amiga versions have not been tested at all, so chances are that since there is no GFX card options set currently, making all graphics be done by CPU, that even modern Amigas might run this very slow, and AOS3 version is there just for the emulator / future guys, no chance this works on any default Classic Amigas.

PLAY INSTRUCTIONS: (There are none in the game)

You play matches against Computer opponents. There are 10 teams, you are AMIGA FC.

Win or Lose matches doesn't matter, as Match End is not handled yet, except that it does give you the coins you got during the match.

After match current version just randomly picks you next opponent, endlessly.

Between matches you have an option to go to shop:

Click cards to buy them if you have enough money.

You can also buy to increase the amount of cards drawn at beginning of your turn.

PERMANENT card spot does nothing currently. It is meant to be cards that would be available from one game session to next, but this is not implemented yet, therefore, Permanent card spot is just a regular card that is more expensive to buy now.

NOTICE: I did an update since AllCards.JSON file in the submitted version is wrong, and therefore shop has wrong cards available. Check bottom of the page for the fix details.

While in SHOP, click on DECK picture, to get to CARD COMBINE screen:

Select three same type of cards, Click on COMBINE and they become new, next level card, if such exists.

During Matches:

Click on cards to turn them around, and following things will happen:

Pending Movement: If your turn ends SUCCESFULLY, Ball will move forward this amount.

Increase Kick Power: Kick Power will always reset after turn ends, whether succesfully or failure.

Pending Coin: You will get one Pending Coin, means that if you finish your turn Succesfully, you will get it, if turn ends on FAIL, then you wont get the coins.

End Turn: This will End your Turn, and is considered a FAIL end, you wont get pending movement or pending coins.

15 Minutes: Time moves forward 15 minutes. If 45 minutes is reached, then it is considered either "Halftime" or "Fulltime", which means that your turn will end, and it is considered a FAIL.

Try Goal: This brings up a "Try Goal"-button. 

If you can reach the goal (movement + kickpower = Goal Distance), then this Button becomes clickable and percentage of success chance is shown. Further away from the goal you are, less chance you have to succeed, more kickpower you have, better chance to succeed in making a goal.

You can click this Button to end your Turn SUCCESFULLY. Means you will get to keep all the pending coins, and ball will move the Pending movement amount.

I was running out of time, so I used maybe 15 minutes only to fix opponents bit different from each other. You can yourself edit the "Teams.JSON"-file to change opponent names and change their cards to make them bit more sensible opponents if you like. For example, CPU has no use for coins currently. In future I plan CPUs to buy stuff from Shops too between matches, but right now they don't do that, so you could as well remove all the Coin cards from them, unless wanting to use them as blank cards.


AOS3, AOS4, and MorphOS now have faster versions available. 

They will work on same speed as before on 1920x1080 mode, but choosing any other screen mode this version should speed up a lot, for instead of using Hollywoods slow CPU scaling, this will scale and save all the graphics to chosen resolution and therefore run the game natively on the chosen screen mode.

Download one of the original Downloads, but use one of the "faster" exes instead.


AllVersionsOLDJustInCaseLeft(download other versions instead).zip 10 MB
All Versions TAR.tar 16 MB
All Versions zip.zip 10 MB
AllVersions 7z.7z 7.8 MB
RogueFootballCardGame PCx64.zip 5.3 MB
RogueFootballCardGame AOS4.7z 4.9 MB
RogueFootballCardGame MorphOS.7z 4.7 MB
RogueFootballCardGame AOS3.zip 5 MB
RogueFootballCardGame AOS3 Faster.exe 2.6 MB
RogueFootballCardGame AOS4 Faster.exe 3.8 MB
RogueFootballCardGame MorphOS Faster.exe 3 MB

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